Sunday, October 7, 2012

Resident Evil: Damnation Movie Review

The Resident Evil movie franchise now has 5 movies on it and none of them is able to redeem the peoples opinion about video game movies being sucks because it was also sucks. It may be the only financially successful movie game to date but if everyone thinks that Resident Evil way is the only way movie games could exist then we got no hope for movie games genre. Luckily, today movie is an exceptional case for movie games genre where the movies isn't sucks. Today movies is about Resident Evil Damnation.

Well, You might be wondering about this specific Resident Evil (RE) movie since you can't see this movie in your local cinema. RE Damnation isn't actually a Hollywood blockbuster release like the new Resident Evil: Retarded...i meant, Retribution. This movies is actually an animated DVD and blu-ray release only where the story of the movie is a prelude to the new Resident Evil 6 video game. So as you can see, if you want a real Resident Evil movie which stick close to the game look no further, buy this DVD and don't spent your money for the new Paul W.S. Anderson Resident Evil so he couldn't makes any more shitty video games movie.

or else, there will be Resident Evil: Reloaded and Resident Evil: Revolution

Resident Evil: Damnation isn't the first Animated RE movie because there is RE Degeneration which generally had positive review but leave a lot to be desired from it like the sometime bad animation, bland story and forgettable characters (its still far superior than the live action movie, by the way). Fortunately, Capcom listened to what the fan wants because almost every bad aspect from Degeneration seems to be improved from the previous movie unlike Paul W.S Anderson RE that getting degenerated more and more from its previous one.

RE: Damnation took place in a fictional conflict area of Eastern Slav where Bio Organic Weapon (B.O.W) has been reported being used in the conflict. and Leon S. Kennedy, the RE fan favorite character, is sent there to investigate the report. As you can see from the movie plot, the story is as simple as it can get. I didn't find much surprise in the story but the story did well to drive the action in the movie and the action is what makes this movie worth watching. What i liked about the movie is they are trying to show how the creature from the game is used in the war which is really nice since i always think that all the monster in RE had no pragmatical use in the battlefield.  Even if the story is neither bad or good, the pacing of the story is far better than the previous movie, showing that the movie maker is willing to fixed what it need to be fixed.

 Unlike RE: Regrettable...sorry, Retribution. My bad, I keep telling whats on my mind

In the previous movie, fan complaint that Leon face looks strange and his character is so flat, almost like he had no emotion at all, that you think he is a zombie itself. In Damnation, Leon face is now looked more like in the game and his personality is more relatable. The other character from the game in this movie like Ada Wong at first feels more like a fan service than an important character but in the end he had quite an important role both in the video game and movie story. There is also a new character introduced in the movie like JD and Budy. JD is a really likeable comic relief while Buddy, his friend, is the emotional core of the movie. Both were a member of the country rebel army that tried to coup the government of the country lead by the hottest president you will ever see, Svetlana Belikova.

No wonder she Won the erect...sorry, again, election.

You may know that RE is also quite famous for its unintentionally hilarious dialogue which somehow makes the first RE as one of the funniest/scariest video game and this movie had some of it inside. Even if it had some bad writing going on it, the dialogue serve it jobs well to create a good character interaction and some funny dialogue did manage to make me chuckle once in a while. 

I only had one problem for this movie that it isn't scary at all for an survival horror video game adaption. It looks like Capcom want to tell everyone that RE, both the movies and the game, is not a survival horror anymore through this movie. I'm fine with the action focus direction in this movie and the game but i kinda hope that there is one or two scene that really terrify me and remind me that RE is used to be scary.

So for conclusion, i think this is a really great movies for the RE fans. It is almost like Capcom goes "we are sorry for the terrible live action movie. Here's the real RE movie as an apology" and did the movie really well. If you happen to find one in your DVD and Blu-ray store, buy it and enjoy the real RE movie.

 Initial El Movie Score


Damn, its good

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