Thursday, September 20, 2012

5 scary tourist spot that you have to visit to believe

Life could be sucks sometime. Just when everything seems to be so beautiful, some bad luck may happen and you died with a lot of regret because there's just some place that you should have visited before the angel of death took your soul and throw it to hell. Ok, maybe the hell part is only for me and some jerk who read this but the point is the world is full of strange place that you have to visit to believe. So, why don't we see some of the strangest creepy place you could visit in this world.

 5. Aokigahara, The Forest of Dead.

There is no place in the world that could surprise you better than Japan. With such a 'different' culture from us, they also had some 'different' places that we could go and visit there. By the way, how silly "Aokigahara, the forest of death" sounds? Did it sound like it came from Japanese cheesy horror movies or did it sound like the first level from a Playstation game you used to play when you are a kid? Despite how silly it sounds, Aokigahara forest got it names not because it just look scary but because its actually attract death, a lot of deaths.

not so silly now, eh?

Aokigahara is located at the northwest base of mount Fuji and it also known as the worlds second most popular place for suicide next to San Francisco Golden Gate. The forest had About 100 suicide/year with total of 500 death since 1950.

There's 2 origin story on why this place attract so much desperate peoples who wants to end their life. The first origin story came from a novel Nami no To (tower of waves) from 1960 where it ends with the two lover committing suicide together which makes sense because everybody wants to die in  romantic way, right? 

The others origin predate the novel and even more disturbing because it had something to do with an old custom called ubasute which meant, if you translate it literally, abandoning old woman and refers to the custom performed in Japan in the distant past, whereby an infirm or elderly relative was carried to a mountain, or some other remote, desolate place, and left there to die, either by dehydration, starvation, or exposure.

why don't you just send me to nursing home,son?

So yeah, Aokigahara used to be a place where some Japanese who thinks that they could have some expense cut in their family left the old family member to die by starvation in the middle of nowhere. Sure, as a ghost i'll be pissed off and hungry for some revenge if that happen to me.

Whichever story you believe (i prefer the ghost story, by the way), the Aokigahara Forest is still popular as tourist side and suicide spot eventhough nowaday the Japanese government never published the numbers of suicides happen per year in a hope to decrease the suicidal popularity and they even put some motivational heart lifting sign in the forest like "your life is precious" and "remember, your family is waiting for your return in your home".

or my personal favorite "try it. i dare you! i double dare you motherf*cker!"

4. Silent Hill, In Real life

Even if you are not a gamer, chances are you already heard about Silent Hill because it was one of the scariest video game ever made. In the game, Silent Hill used to be a nice little resort town for human until some cult blew it all up and turned it into the foggiest resort town for demon/monster/things that will haunt your dream. The games delivers a really disturbing feeling to the gamer with a psychological scare and it introduce us to our well known favorite lovable rapist in the internet, pyramid head.

we adore you P-head

The town itself is one of the defining factor that creep so many gamers with its atmosphere which create the feeling of loneliness and the feeling of claustrophobic in a wide place which is brilliant  for a horror video game but how could such a scary place could exist in reality you asked?

Reality provide you with with Centralia, Pennsylvania. Don't believe me? lets see the similarity

is it an abandoned town?
The thick fog that gives you the claustrophobic feeling?


The huge 'what the hell' crack on the street from the game?


A rapist with a huge knife and a triangular helmet for a face?
cheee...well, it wasn't officially found yet but i'm sure it was there. waiting...

A short history about Centralia, It was actually used as a coal mining town with over 1000 peoples lives on it but nowadays its only 15 peoples left on it. After an incident involving a mine fire burning within the borough which cause the massive, smoldering hellblaze that opened up sinkholes, steam pits and carbon monoxide vents all over the town then the local government orders everyone to evacuate from the town. Even until now, the fire from Centralia mine is still burning...for 50 years that is.

Centralia itself is actually a references for the Silent hill movie so the similarity is not a coincidental. The director of the movie really visited this town and created the town in the movie based on this city. One similarity that you could see is the Centralia church is actually looked alike as they showed in the Silent Hill movie.


So If you want to see the real Silent Hill you could always visit Centralia but do bear in mind, i will just waiting in the car.
don't forget to send my regards to P-head

3. The Penis Museum


Also known as dick, johnson, cock, love rod, manhood and many more. A penis is a well known body part of a male homo sapiens body that spawn many sexual themed comedy, deviant behaviour and life disaster. Its also one things you need to mate with female homo sapiens and make baby.

Yes gentleman, its our lovely genitalia we're talking here. I know some of you is really proud with this specific body part that you think it should be put in the museum after you died for what it achieved. If you does happen to think so, you could always travel to Husavik, Iceland to visit the Icelandic Phallological Museum to see 280 penis specimens from 93 species of animals includes 55 penises taken from whales, 36 from seals and 118 from land mammals. They always need some extra human specimen so you can always be a good man who donors his penis for science and be proud for it.

just don't get too proud about your size here.

Sadly (or happily depends on how you see human penis), there is not much of a human penis in this museum. there's only a handful of human penis specimen like the penis of the Iceland national handball team that donated fifteen casts of their penises, now displayed in a museum cabinet as a donation. Because the team had won the silver medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the casts were made from a silvered material. They are not displayed in the same order as the individuals shown in the picture that accompanies them but, as the owner of the museum said, "their wives would recognise them."

honey, i think the smallest one is yours, isn't it?

The museum exhibit isn't restricted to only show penises inside showcases or hang its in the walls. It also shows how penis can be used in our daily life.

for example this lamp is made from testicel.

 balls on!

 and if you think normal phone is too mainstream, try this phone

 hello, may i talk with Dick?

The museum is founded by an retired historian named Sigurður Hjartarson (the man above), who had a healthy obsession with penis since his father gave him a bull penis (or a pizzle) for a cattle whip. After he told the story that he used a penis to whip his cattle, his friends give him more penis to collect and it became his hobby until he thinks it times to open a cock themed haunted house then named it the Icelandic Phallological Museum to terorrize every male homo sapiens. 

This place isn't actually scary because it was abandoned, ghost or death related tragedy like any other scary place we knew but Still, it was scary because it had to do with all those hundreds penises scattered around the museum. Call me insecure but, as a man, when i saw all those penis scattered around, i feel really unease and i keep holding my crotch in fear, for some reason.


 2. The Hell Themed Park in Singapore and Thailand

Is there any kids who doesn't like to go to the themed park? i think We all had those Sunday morning where we jumped into our parents bedroom and yells "mommy, daddy lets go to the themed park!" over and over until they woke up with pissed off mood and wished that you were never born. In some cases, when the parents in Singapore and Thailand is so pissed with their child, they will take their child to a themed park that will teach their innocent children a harsh truth about reality. Life is a hell.

mommy, did you bring me here because i am adopted?

That picture where an adorable doll being dismembered by demon, a scene that looked like it came from SAW movie and someone drowning in the filthy blood pond (because clean blood is too nice) is one of the Tiger Balm Garden main attraction called Ten court of hell. Tiger Balm Garden itself is actually an ancient Chinese mythological themed park in Singapore founded by Aw Boon Haw and Aw Boon Par as a venue for teaching traditional Chinese values. 

since this is a Chinese Mythological themed park you might be wondering about the other attraction that didn't consist hellish image which could scare a child psychology for his/her entire life. Sure, there is some family friendly and harmless attraction like the crab woman and a woman who breast feeding her father-in-law.

Errm...ok. For someone who understand the Chinese folklore this might look just fine but for someone who are not well educated with Chinese folklore like me this is quite.....confusing at best, disturbing at worst.

But wait, what about the hell themed park in Thailand? can it top the Singapore version?

this is a good start
So for a quick info first, The other hell themed park is called the hell garden which located in Wang Saen Suk Monastery Bangkok. This themed park is created by the monks who wants to teach the sinner about what is waiting in the afterlife for them. Since we all know how every sinful person is a stubborn and ignorant human, they have to make sure that the message is clear and reachable so the sinner will know the consequent of their sin. 

Now, how did they do it? by creating a statue of naked bloody tortured man and women then make it as a tourist spot.

because being a tourist is a sin, i guess

There is a lot of torture that you and your family could see in this themed like dogs biting some guys giant nuts.

Being gifted with a skull as the head of your penis only to have some demon immediately slice it in half with a hatchet. 

And you shouldn't forget to leave some donation to the monastery in a demon dog shaped donation box before leaving the park.

100 US dollar will do, sir.

1. The Island of the Dolls

The island of the dolls sounds like the best place you could go with your daughter because we all know every little girls loves dolls. Can you imagine the gleeful expression in her face when you told her that you were going to take her to an island full of cute dolls and how happy she is when you get back to your home after she saw this? 

she would probably call the social service office

Yes, its an Island with thousands of decaying doll hanging around in the tree and if that didn't scare you (seriously?), then maybe you may want to hear the origin story of why this island became one of the scariest places in the earth.

The island of the dolls is located in the middle of the swamp of Mexico. To get there, you need to hire a guide an take a boat through the canal of Xochimilco while hoping that the guide will never leave you in that island alone.

Isla de las Munecas, as it was called in the Mexico, isn't always used to be a creepy island. It was used to be a normal island just like any other island around it until the caretaker of the island, a hermit named Don Julian Santana, found a doll floating in the canal where a little girl drowned. Don  then takes the doll and hang it in the tree because he said it will appease the spirit of the dead girls. 

But it didn't stop there with only one doll. Don said that he always heard a voice coming from the water where the girls drowned, inviting him to come back home and he even said that the dolls is possessed. So Don did what every human will do, hang more dolls in the three and make a shrine full of dolls to keep the evil girls spirit at bay.

sounds logical enough.

Sadly, even all of it isn't enough because at 2001 Don Nephew found him dead, drowned in the same canal where the little girl drowned either it was an accident or he was murdered Chucky style.

i believe in Chucky

It is now a dark tourist spot in Mexico for someone who likes to have some sleeping trouble for a months. If you are planning to go there you had to bring an offering of a doll and hard candy in the shrine because if you don't...

you know whats gonna happen.

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